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Email Deliverability: Striking The Perfect Balance Between Frequency And Engagement

Updated: Jun 25, 2023

Email marketing is a major tool for businesses to connect with their audience, promote products or services, and drive sales. Striking the right balance between engaging your subscribers and overwhelming them is crucial. Sending too many emails can hurt your deliverability, ultimately affecting the success of your email marketing campaigns.

In this blog post, we'll discuss the reasons why sending too many emails can negatively impact your deliverability and provide tips on finding the optimal email frequency.

Why Too Many Emails Can Hurt Your Deliverability:

Subscriber Fatigue: The Overwhelmed Inbox

When you constantly send emails to your subscribers, they may begin to feel inundated and lose interest in your content.

This phenomenon, known as subscriber fatigue, can lead to lower open and click-through rates. As a result, email service providers (ESPs) may perceive your content as unengaging, damaging your sender reputation and deliverability.

To combat subscriber fatigue, it's essential to focus on providing valuable, relevant content that your subscribers will appreciate.

Additionally, consider monitoring your email frequency to prevent overwhelming your audience.

Increased Complaints and Spam Reports: A Warning Sign

If your subscribers feel bombarded with emails, they will mark your messages as spam or file complaints. These actions are red flags for ESPs, indicating that your content might be unwelcome or intrusive.

A high number of spam reports can severely damage your sender reputation, making it difficult for your emails to reach your subscribers' inboxes.

To avoid this situation, be mindful of the volume of emails you send and ensure that your content is relevant and valuable to your audience. This approach can help reduce the likelihood of subscribers marking your emails as spam or filing complaints.

Higher Unsubscribe Rates: Losing Touch with Your Audience

When subscribers are overwhelmed with emails, they're more likely to unsubscribe from your mailing list. A high unsubscribe rate can negatively impact your sender reputation and, consequently, your email deliverability.

Maintaining a healthy subscriber list is crucial for the success of your email marketing campaigns.

One way to keep your unsubscribe rate in check is by offering your subscribers the option to adjust their email preferences, allowing them to choose the types of emails they receive and their preferred frequency.

This level of personalization can help you maintain a strong connection with your audience and reduce unsubscribe rates.

Lower Engagement Rates: A Recipe for Email Deliverability Issues

If subscribers receive too many emails from you, they may become less engaged with your content, resulting in lower open and click-through rates.

ESPs use these engagement metrics to determine your sender score, which influences whether your emails are delivered to the inbox or the spam folder.

To improve your engagement rates and sender score, consider segmenting your audience based on their interests, past behavior, or other relevant factors.

By sending targeted content to each segment, you can truly increase the likelihood that your subscribers will engage with your emails and help boost your deliverability.

Finding the Right Balance

Striking the perfect balance between staying connected with your subscribers and maintaining strong email deliverability is crucial for the success of your email marketing campaigns.

The following tips can help you achieve this balance:

Segment Your Audience: Tailored Content for Better Engagement

Dividing your subscribers into different segments based on factors such as their interests, past purchases, and engagement levels allows you to target each segment with tailored content.

This approach can improve engagement and reduce the likelihood of overwhelming your subscribers with irrelevant emails.

I give you an simple example, if you run an e-comstore, you could segment your audience based on their browsing history or the types of products they've purchased in the past.

By sending product recommendations or special offers tailored to their interests, you can increase the chances of your subscribers engaging with your emails and making a purchase.

Monitor Your Email Metrics: Keeping an Eye on Performance

Regularly monitoring your email marketing metrics, such as open rates, click-through rates, and unsubscribe rates, can provide valuable insights into your campaign's performance.

If you notice a decline in engagement or an increase in unsubscribes, consider adjusting your email frequency to find the optimal balance for your audience.

Tools like Google Analytics and various email marketing platforms offer in-depth analysis of your email campaign metrics. By consistently tracking and evaluating these metrics, you can make data-driven decisions to enhance your email marketing strategy.

Test Different Frequencies: Finding the Sweet Spot

Experiment with different email sending frequencies to determine the optimal balance for your audience. For instance, you could try sending weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly Newsletters to gauge which frequency yields the highest engagement without overwhelming your subscribers.

A/B testing is a good way to compare the performance of different email frequencies.

By sending emails with varying frequencies to randomly selected groups of subscribers, you can analyze the results and identify the frequency that works best for your audience.

Provide Value in Every Email: Quality Over Quantity

Ensuring that every email you send provides value to your subscribers is key to maintaining their interest and reducing the likelihood of them feeling overwhelmed.

Focus on quality over quantity by sharing useful information, exclusive offers, or engaging content that resonates with your audience.

For example, instead of sending multiple promotional emails each week, consider combining these offers into a single, value-packed newsletter. This approach can help reduce email fatigue while still providing your subscribers with valuable content and opportunities to engage with your brand.

Allow Subscribers to Manage Their Preferences: Empowering Your Audience

Giving your subscribers the option to manage their email preferences can help reduce unsubscribe rates and improve overall engagement.

By allowing people to choose the types of emails they receive and their preferred frequency, you can foster a more personalized and positive experience for your subscribers.

Include a link to a preference center or an email preferences page in the footer of your emails, making it easy for subscribers to adjust their settings.

This level of personalization can help you maintain a strong connection with your audience and reduce the chances of them feeling overwhelmed or disinterested.


Sending too many emails can hurt your deliverability by overwhelming your subscribers, leading to lower engagement rates, higher spam reports, and increased unsubscribe rates.

To strike the right balance between staying connected and maintaining strong deliverability, consider segmenting your audience, monitoring your email metrics, testing different frequencies, providing value in every email, and empowering your subscribers to manage their preferences.

By implementing these strategies, you can optimize your email marketing campaigns and achieve better results for your business.

Thanks for reading,

Laurence Zimmermann

More information about our Web Design services and pricing here.

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